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Log Sculptures 

Goanna and Lizard log sculptures in schools and preschools 

A handsome and fearsome creature, we've perfected the art of sculpting lizards or goannas into the side of a natural Ironbark log post!


They make a great feature in school playgrounds or preschool play spaces, as a feature post or entry post for a Yarning Circle seating area.

Wombat sculptures 

Carved from a large Ironbark log, our friendly wombat makes a great addition to your native planted garden or play space.


Sitting at the edge of an existing Yarning circle, and amongst native grasses and shrubs, the solid presence brings a peaceful and playful dimension to the school playground. 


We anchor the log into the ground with steel rods into a concrete footing, enuring that the wombat won't move or topple over despite kids climbing all over it.


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